The policy prescriptions of our governments to the COVID pandemic has put the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to the test. Has it passed with flying colours, scraped through or been a dismal failure? Borders between provinces and internationally have been shut, peaceful assembly and voluntary association curtailed, freedom of religion denied. Through it all, many Canadians have been asking where is our Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
Speakes: Honourable A. Brian Peckford P.C., Suzanne Anton, Bruce Pardy.
Moderator: John Robson
The Canada Strong and Free Network (formerly the Manning Centre) was founded in 2005 to support Canada’s conservative movement by networking best practices and ideas pertaining to limited government, free enterprise, individual responsibility and a more robust civil society.
This year is a critical one for Canada’s conservative movement. WE ARE MOVING AHEAD with our Canada Strong and Free Network Conference in April, and look forward to seeing you there.
Don’t miss CSFN 2025 April 9-12.