Event Title

Through Fire and Water: the Canada-Israel Partnership


100 King St W, 34th Floor, Toronto
October 26th, 2023


Please be sure to register below and also bring proof of your donation.

event details

100 King St W Suite Toronto on October 26 at 6:00PM ET

To register and attend, there are two steps:

1.    Please make a donation of $250 or more to the Israel Emergency Fund through UJA. Please note your tax receipt will need to be shown at registration on arrival (electronic or hard copy). https://www.jewishtoronto.com/2023_israel_emergency

2.    Please register below once you have made your donation so you can secure your spot:

Join us in person at the Bennett Jones office located at 100 King St W Suite Toronto on October 26 at 6:00PM ET to hear from former Minister of Foreign Affairs the Honourable, John Baird in conversation with National post columnist, Ms. Sabrina Maddeaux.

Following the horrific attacks against Israel on Oct 7, 2023, we must continue to support them in their war against terror.

The conversation will be dedicated to the importance of the west in continuing their stead fast support for Israel and her right to exist and protect herself.

Thank you to our Sponsors:


With the potential of an election being called, this year is even more important for Canada Strong and Free Network Conference. WE ARE MOVING AHEAD and are excited for where our Conservative movement is going. 

Don’t miss CSFN 2025 April 9-12.