May 13, 2021

Getting to a Fear Free COVID Recovery

Wednesday, May 26th 7:00 PM EST

Canadians have lost their freedoms through government enforced restrictions and lockdowns that remove our rights and personal responsibilities.

The recommendations from Medical Officers of Health and ad-hoc medical expert committees have failed to protect our vulnerable, created immense medical and economic collateral damage, and instilled crippling public fear.

Join us May 26th for a wide-ranging discussion that will challenge the metrics and assumptions that led to a lockdown response; review real world impacts and update the evidence presented in legal challenges federally and in the provinces.

No “Recovery Plan” can take place until we take the first step: moving from fear to confidence.




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With the potential of an election being called, this year is even more important for Canada Strong and Free Network Conference. WE ARE MOVING AHEAD and are excited for where our Conservative movement is going. 

Don’t miss CSFN 2025 April 9-12.