carlos a murillo

Carlos A. Murillo

Senior Research Associate, Energy and Environment,  
The Conference Board of Canada 

As a Senior Research Associate, Carlos assists in conceptualizing and developing new research opportunities, undertakes complex research projects, and helps in expanding the profile of The Conference Board of Canada’s energy and environment knowledge portfolio. 

Prior to his current role, Mr. Murillo was an Economist in the Industry Economics group at The Conference Board of Canada. In this role, he oversaw the analysis of Canada’s energy industries and provided expertise on all issues related to energy economics. As part of this role, Carlos also provided leadership and support on custom research projects, and supported business development and cross-unit collaboration initiatives in The Conference Board of Canada’s Western Canada office.   

Carlos has a decade of experience working on energy economics, natural resources, fiscal policy, and international trade issues, among others. He holds an MSc in Sustainable Energy Development and a BA with a double major in Economics and International Relations (with a concentration in Applied Energy Economics), both from the University of Calgary.