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Lorne Gunther

Lorne Gunter is senior political columnist at the Edmonton Sun. His columns appear in papers in Alberta and across the country five times a week.

A former columnist at the National Post and the Edmonton Journal, Lorne also served 11 years on the Post’s editorial board. A commentator on political and social issues since 1995, Lorne has published more than 5,000 pieces in that time.

Lorne is also a frequent guest on radio talk shows across the country and even pops up on television, streaming services and podcasts. He has published essays and opinion pieces in various newspapers and magazines, including Readers’ Digest, National Review, the Weekly Standard, TechCentralStation and others.

In addition to his journalism, Lorne is the past-president of Civitas – a society for conservative and libertarian academics, think-tankers, lobbyists and journalists – and a former member of the advisory board of the Canadian Constitution Foundation.