Malcolm MacPherson CSFN Headshot

Malcolm MacPherson

Malcolm Macpherson is the National Chair of the Indigenous Practice at Whitelaw Twining. As an integral part of the leadership team at the firm, Malcolm procures reputationally and socially impactful legal work in the Indigenous marketplace and marries it up with first class teams of lawyers within the firm and across Canada whom he mentors and collaborates with.

Malcolm has over 20 years of varied legal and negotiation experience since he graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Toronto, and has since this time built up one of Canada’s leading practices in the Indigenous space. He is often contacted by the media to comment on new developments in the Indigenous legal space, and has become an integral and trusted advisor to many Indigenous nations throughout Canada who rely on his counsel on a near daily basis.

Malcolm strives for excellence in all that he puts his mind and efforts to, including client outcomes. He is known for his innate business sense and consistent application of strategy to legal problem solving. Malcolm is success oriented and has achieved reputationally significant victories for his clients in both the solicitor and litigation space over the years. He also has the ability to consider and analyze client problems from an unconventional and creative lens, often improving client success odds.

Malcolm is passionate about helping his clients achieve their goals and aspirations, and is a good fit for clients who have the proverbial fire in the belly to take on big and bold challenges, be they in the economic development sphere or the courtroom.

Over the course of the past decade Malcolm has been involved in reputationally significant work including:

· land assembly and development

· energy project transaction work (hydrogen, wind, solar, oil and gas)

· utility project corridor work

· high profile litigation and arbitration

· general commercial litigation

· cumulative impacts litigation

· specific claims and TLE

· government to government negotiation

· treaty negotiation

Malcolm has a keen interest in the Canadian energy sector and serves as a governor of the Canadian Energy Executive Association. He is also integrally involved in the charitable work undertaken by the Sage Roots Foundation which provides direct financial assistance to disabled athletes and to programs that assist disabled athletes.

When not at work, Malcolm enjoys family time with his wife Savanagh and children Magnus and Magdalena.

With the potential of an election being called, this year is even more important for Canada Strong and Free Network Conference. WE ARE MOVING AHEAD and are excited for where our Conservative movement is going. 

Don’t miss CSFN 2025 April 9-12.