Sam Cooper CSFN Headshot

Sam Cooper

Sam Cooper is founder and First Journalist of The Bureau, a Canadian investigative journalism platform. He is an award-winning investigative journalist and best-selling author, who has presented his anti-corruption findings to Canadian law enforcement agencies, military and intelligence officials in the Pentagon, financial and legal professionals, and academics. Cooper graduated with a degree in history, philosophy and English from the University of Toronto and a certificate in Journalism from Langara College, before reporting for The Province and Vancouver Sun in British Columbia, and Global News in Ottawa. He has won a number of awards for narrative reporting and his first book, Wilful Blindness, debuted as a #1-seller on Amazon, in Canada. The revelations and sources developed from this internationally recognized book led to Cooper breaking the PRC interference investigation in fall 2022 at Global News. Cooper’s groundbreaking reporting on hostile state activity threats to the West, which also includes Iran, India and Russian threat networks, was subsequently emulated by The Globe and Mail.

With the potential of an election being called, this year is even more important for Canada Strong and Free Network Conference. WE ARE MOVING AHEAD and are excited for where our Conservative movement is going. 

Don’t miss CSFN 2025 April 9-12.