March 22, 2022

The Charter at 40: Success or MIA?

Thursday April 14th @ NOON Eastern

The policy prescriptions of our governments to the COVID pandemic has put the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to the test. Has it passed with flying colours, scraped through or been a dismal failure? Borders between provinces and internationally have been shut, peaceful assembly and voluntary association curtailed, freedom of religion denied. Through it all, many Canadians have been asking where is our Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

Join us April 14th as we convene a panel to discuss the Charter on occasion of its 40th Anniversary not only in response to COVID restrictions but also the growing rise of judicial activism and the transfer of power from elected representatives to appointed lawyers. Where are we headed in our relations with Indigenous peoples and the balance between individual vs group rights?  The panel will address these and other aspects of the Charter that have a profound influence on the economic and social lives of all Canadians.

As always, there is no cost to participate, but we do ask that you register in advance. Date and time are as follows:





To register for this event, use the embedded form below or click on the “Click here to register” button to visit the zoom registration page directly.


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